is SWOT?
Word of Tulsa is one of Tulsa's many great arts and cultural organizations -- an inclusive agency for developing an easily accessible
and visible presence of performance art in the Tulsa community and
other areas.
Now in its 4th year, Spoken Word of Tulsas mission has been to develop a collaborative atmosphere fostering professional mentorship and advancement of regional artists in conjunction with the spoken word.
SWOT now has over 80 members and produces several regular events and community programs throughout the Tulsa area. The website www.swot.org has been not only a great promotional resource, but will be a source of revenue, as we are in the process of making recordings of events, artists' books and other artwork available for sale online.
visit our Calendar of Events to
learn more about our new venues that are providing Tulsa an opportunity
to exponentially strengthen the poetry scene.
that offer arts programs and events are welcome to notify SWOT
so that we can announce them to our membership and other contacts.
Youth Program information: click here!