RiverJam - at River City Market

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Come celebrate with us!

Thank you for your interest in supporting our 2003 RiverJam event. RiverJam builds on the momentum of bringing people together, and is a celebration of the diverse cultures in this great city.

For the third time, we are coming together to celebrate multiculturalism, diversity, and the great fun and energy we can all have when we share our cultures. We hope that this event will plesantly suprise us again, and believe that you will enjoy celebrating with us!
Below are the ways you can be a part of this great event:


Souvenir booklet
Thanks to your feedback, we have been asked to provide advertising in the program booklet outlining the schedule of this year’s event. Each of the participating acts submitted their bids to be a part of this year’s event and will be featured in the booklet. Also, to be included, is information about the organizations and sponsors who have made RiverJam possible.

As a special surprise, we are getting an update on the progress of the city and it’s development of different parts of town. In addition, we’ll be including information and articles submitted by up-and-coming journalists and publishers who are chosing to cover diversity, a sense of community, and celebrating the diversity in our great city. We will be unveiling some plans to bring more arts to Tulsa.

The booklet will be given away for free, to attendees of the event. Beacuse of the additional material, we anticipate that the souvenir booklet will have quite a long shelf - life. Take this opportunity to advertise to thousands of attendees for this year’s event!

Ad sizes/prices
Ads must be submitted in digital format (a $55 scanning/processing charge will be added to ads submitted on paper). Please allow for ¼ inch border on ads.

Full Page $500 (8½ x 11)
Back Cover(Full) $650 (8½ x 11)
Half Page $275 (8½ x 5.5)
Quarter Page: $150 (4.5 x 5.5)
Eighth Page: $ 85 (4.5 x 5.5)

Booth Rental

Reserving your space at the River’s Edge is an excellent opportunity to take advantage of thousands of people coming to the river to enjoy a day of fun-filled music, poetry, dancing, and messages of unity and celebration in Tulsa.

Booths will include sales of ethnic clothing, jewelry, books, CDs, etc. as well as distribution of information from independent media, non-profits, voter registration, etc.

As part of the guidelines set by the River Parks authority, we ask that you be clean and courteous to the grounds and the attendees.

The $15.00 fee is non-refundable, paid as a deposit for advertising and filing fees upon reservation of space. The fee does not include tables, chairs, tents or any sort of display equipment. For reserving a booth, please contact us!



Band Sponsorships
$ 50 / min

Tulsa will be sure to turn out to hear some great music ranging from sultry salsa to urban jazz. Your business will be mentioned during the course of the act, as well as listed in the program, with your corporate logo, next to the sponsored performer(s). If you would like to contribute up to $200 for bands with more than one member, we can give a discount on any other promotional contribution given, such as an ad in the souvenir booklet.

If your business has a banner, we will display it during the act. If your business is interested in getting one produced, we can steer you in the right direction.


RiverJam is a free event, open to kids, and folks of all ages.
Please bring your picnic lunch, plenty of water, and a blanket or chairs, and have a good time.
Bottom Line Productions
Spoken Word of Tulsa
Tulsa Peace Fellowship